2022 - A fundraising record for our team - new developments to achieve this - loyal partners who support us - in short a great year also by the number of collectors and sponsors.

Team for the 2022 fundraising
0 st
Amount raised

Find out below the different activities we have carried out for the 2022 campaign.

As in previous years, we were present on the local markets in partnership with the town halls of our places of life,  by animating a stand and by meeting the inhabitants. Each time, this gives rise to beautiful exchanges and allows us, in addition to collecting a few euros, to talk about children's cancers and to raise awareness about this cause which is so dear to us. 

Nous menons aussi ce genre de démarche dans les écoles lors des kermesses en lien avec les associations de parents d’élèves. Le cancer des enfants touche 1 enfant sur 440 avant l’âge de 15 ans, ce qui veut dire tristement que chaque établissement peut avoir une famille dans cette situation. Notre ours Baloo est un compagnon fidèle qui nous permet d’expliquer plus facilement notre combat auprès des enfants. 

This year, we have innovated and launched projects that were on our minds over the last two years of confinement: a golf open, a classical music concert and participation to a basketball game... Great, isn't it?
